Godziny pracy dzisiaj dla American Apparel

11:00 - 20:00

Dziś zamknięte
  • Poniedziałek (dzisiaj): -
  • Wtorek: -
  • Środa: -
  • Czwartek: -
  • Piątek: -
  • Sobota: -
  • Niedziela: -

Edytowac te Godziny otwarcia

🕗 American Apparel Godziny otwarcia w New Haven, 06511

06511 51 Broadway New Haven, us
Tel: (203) 624-0120
Edycja szczegolow
Zmień polozenie kursora na mapie

The American Apparel factory is the largest sewing facility in North America. We believe that integrating our manufacturing, distribution and creative processes keeps our company more efficient than those who rely on offshore or onshore sub-contracting. By leveraging art, design, and technology at our Downtown LA campus, we are able to pay garment workers fairly AND sell garments profitably so we can sustain our business and grow. Everyone benefits - customers, workers, and shareholders alike.


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